Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Okay, so I stink at blogging (I think every single post starts that way for me....). I've been thinking a lot about family lately. I think about the family that I have and the strength every single one of them is for me. I have a friend who asks me all the time "who are you closest to in your family" and I honestly don't know. I'm sure I'm bias (whatever) but I really do have the best family in the world. It's cool too because we are all so stinkin diffirent (which I attribute to my amazing parents who somehow raised 6 fully functioning children, all of which are happy, strong and capable and of which are all still friends...a serious achievement). The other night Dallin Kyle and I were talking with my parents about the ironic trends in our there are 2 kids with D names 2 with A and 2 with K. While we're all different its funny how the "letter kids" are similar. Por ejemplo: the A's - both are more education driven, have darker eyes and are into politics. The D's - both are very moved by the arts, dance & music speifically and have the hazelly lighter eyes. The K's - Both are tall, into sports, are loud and have blue eyes.... Wierd how those things work out.....I genuinley love them each for different reasons though. 1. Alicia - for her ability to see things clearly and be so logical and still remain the biggest goof balls of all time! 2. Angie - for her quick whit and ability to plan and find a solution for ANYTHING, and her true loyalty to others and a big goof ball! 3. Dara - for her gentle yet strong approach to life, her ability to love and empathise with anyone regardless of situation or circumstance and can't forget goofy! 4. Dallin - for being so perceptive, for his desire to do good and ability to work hard and rock out as he's does it a big goof ball! 5. Kyle - for his drive in life, no matter what it is he goes full speed, he always looks out for others and he is also a major...MAJOR goof ball! Things get crazy when all 6 of us get together, we've had small and major fights but it always works out somehow in the end. I don't mean to be so sappy but for reals-it's true that the family is the basis of society and I'm learning more and more that I seriously got a good one!!!!


  1. aw, katie! thanks for your sweet words! but you forgot about my sister katie and what SHE contributes to our family. She's passionate about anything she puts her mind to, whether it's listening to your problems or playing settlers of catan. She is the one who gets all going on our GOOF BALL-ness. ;) i love you kottyjo1!

  2. Loved this post! And who you callin' a goof ball!? haha, jkjk. I agree, though, our family rocks! I love that as we've gotten older we've all just gotten closer. I did have to laugh about the "A's", though - I have hazel eyes, sista!! It is funny, though, since Angie and I ended up having very similar personalities on that test - weird! Never thought of that.

    Love you!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh, and when you were saying Kyle is a goof ball, all I could think of was SHMEEEEEE. =)
